

Lining UP

January 29, 2020

In 2020, Healthy Alignment is essential. If you are over 30 (and maybe younger), you sat in rows in school. Perfect rows, nice, neat, and consistent. Henry Ford is famous for having perfected, if not inventing, the assembly line. Everything nice and neat, running in very careful order. And the...

Hidden Treasures

January 06, 2020

Great things are often right before our eyes… So often the treasures are right there for us to see – but we miss them. How often when we drive do we really see the ‘landscape’ or the cityscape, and think about what it means?  I’ve lived in South Florida for almost 25 years, and I,...


Thanksgiving. The Holidays. The New Year. Times of reflection, celebration, family and friendship. Overeating, overindulging, seeing the family we love – and perhaps drives us crazy… …all the things that make us who we are! For who are we if not shaped by our family, identified by our friends,...

The Power of Listening

November 25, 2019

‘There’s a lot of difference between listening and hearing.” G.K. Chesterton   Many of us think we listen without really having to try. And perhaps we do. Very often though we are merely hearing, in other words picking up sound through our ears. Listening is a different activity...


The keys to positive change Change is constant—and going faster than ever. We call it innovation, transformation, continuous improvement. It happens with success, failure, acquisitions, mergers. We can manage the change, or the change will manage – and likely defeat – us. And, if you are...


I recently sent some of my clients a link to a recent Harvard Business Review article that poses this same question specifically about digital transformation. Tech/digital change is something that any thriving business will be going through forever. Digital speeds up our change and keeps it...

Same Old Stuff … SOS

June 19, 2019

Einstein famously said that ‘No problem has ever been solved by the same consciousness that created it.’ With all the amazing advancements in technology, digital, data, robotics…it’s easy to fall into the trap that ‘the machines’ will handle the challenges and the issues in our...


What clients say about us

I’ve engaged Third Level with multiple teams over 12 years and we continue to generate exceptional business results. I see the program as my gift for all those who I’ve worked with and led. Without exception they feel much better about themselves and the world they live in – delivering more through improving satisfaction and engagement as leaders and teams.
I am a better leader, husband and father as a result of the work I do with Third Level.

Nick Williams Managing Director of Transport, Group TransformationLloyds Banking Group

You managed to take a healthy, vibrant, and talented team to a new level of commitment to their careers, their lives and each other. Each member of our top management team has thanked me for the experience and related that this has been one of the best professional experiences of their lives. The outcome was clearly of great benefit to my businesses over the years. We identify issues that probably wouldn’t have surfaced for two years, saving ourselves at least five times our investment with you. And we are solving problems and confronting issues much more quickly. Our foundation of trust has grown quickly. More recently, the Fascination profile has helped us understand and collaborate far more quickly together as new teams form, and decision-making progresses.

Gary Press President,ARS and Chairman, Lifestyle Media Group

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