8 New Year’s Resolutions for Teams to Try in 2022

January 2, 2022 / Category: Third Level

What better way to start 2022 than by setting New Year’s resolutions for your leadership in support of your team? These kinds of goals offer a stellar opportunity for making change and improvement – or can just serve as a good reminder of some tools solid leadership can enact. Check out some great suggestions on how to set and stick to the resolutions that will help you scale a winning team. Remember, if you want to take your leadership and team-building to the next level – we are here to help you make that happen with customized solutions. 

New year, new goals! For many managers, the start of the year is a perfect opportunity to revisit processes, team responsibilities, and initiatives. However… according to a study conducted by psychology professor Richard Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire:

Let’s learn how to overcome the 88% fail rate of achieving your New Year’s resolutions for your team to have an even better year and conquer more, together!

8 New Year’s resolutions for your team

Don’t stress about trying to come up with productive and efficient New Year’s resolutions because we’ve got you covered! Check out these 8 resolutions for your team to try out (and achieve!)

  • Create a more psychologically safe environment
  • Ask and give feedback
  • Forget the blame game
  • Be reliable and foster trust
  • Know when to say no
  • Discuss issues that hinder performance
  • Foster better teamwork
  • Improve communication

1 Create a more psychologically safe environment

A psychologically safe environment is an environment where everyone feels safe to share their ideas. According to Dr. Soracha Cashman, a Cognitive Neuropsychologist and coach.

2 Ask and give feedback

It is important to both ask and give feedback if you want to grow. Oftentimes, we get into a routine doing the same thing daily. And while routine can be good, it can also hinder us from growing by repeating the same mistakes. So, to avoid repeating mistakes and learning to grow it is important to ask your coworkers and managers for constructive feedback.

It is also important to give feedback when something doesn’t work. Again, if you want your team and company to grow, voicing your opinions will go a long way. It can be scary and uncomfortable voicing an opinion when it goes against everyone else’s, but sometimes that opposing view opens everyone’s minds up to what was missed, so don’t hold back!

3 Forget the blame game

While it is easy to blame yourself or somebody else for mistakes, this is not something that is good to do. Blaming yourself only puts more pressure on yourself and deters you. Rather, learn how to recognize your mistakes and learn from them.

It is also important not to blame others. If something doesn’t get done, rather than blaming them, consider offering a helping hand. You never know what other people are dealing with outside work so when you see a co-worker struggling, don’t blame, help.

4 Be reliable and foster trust

One of the best qualities in a team member is reliability. If your team can rely on you to get things done, they will trust you more. And as we know, trust in the workplace is crucial.

Being a reliable employee will also benefit you because when big projects emerge that you want to work on, your manager is more likely to assign it to someone they can rely on and trust (hence, you).

5 Know when to say no

While doing lots of work shows your commitment to the company, taking on more than you can handle can affect your mental health and quality of work. So, let’s learn 6 ways to say “no” when our bandwidth is stretched to its max:

  • Assess the request
  • Know your priorities
  • Be straightforward and authentic
  • Bring up an alternative solution
  • Build trust with your bosses and colleagues
  • Practice before the conversation

6 Discuss issues that hinder performance

Earlier we talked about how people get into routines that can hinder change and growth. Well, companies can make the same mistake. When a company begins, there are ways of doing things that are established. And as your company grows, these processes improve. But it is important to recognize when a process is no longer benefiting the company.

Look at this scenario for example: when your company started, it was established that each week, your team had an hour-long check-in meeting at the beginning of the week. And, while the check-in meeting has evolved over time (for example, a better meeting agenda) it has started to take valuable time away from coworkers. So, in this case, you may consider switching to an asynchronous check-in meeting to save time and benefit the company.

7 Foster better teamwork

Building relationships with team members in remote workplaces can be difficult because the distance between colleagues is increased. So, to foster better teamwork and communication, try implementing ice-breaker questions, company social events, and coffee chats.

Here is a list of example ice-breaker questions to help you get started:

  • What are your hobbies outside of work?
  • What does your perfect day off look like?
  • Who is your favourite artist?
  • What is your favourite genre of music?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Where have you travelled to?
  • If you could meet any historical figure, who would you meet?
  • If you could live in another generation, which one would you choose?
  • What is your favourite restaurant?
  • What is your least favourite restaurant?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
  • Would you rather be able to teleport or time travel?
  • What has been your favourite project to work on?
  • What is your favourite part about your job?

8 Improve communication

Learning good communication skills is very important. According to Lauren Landry, Harvard Business Review contributor, there are 8 essential communication skills for leaders:

  1. Be willing to adapt your style of communication
  2. Become an active listener
  3. Be transparent
  4. Be clear
  5. Ask open-ended questions
  6. Communicate with empathy
  7. Use open body language
  8. Give and receive feedback

Third Level can help you build an aligned and high-performing work environment. Let us help you develop strategies for your employees to perform at an elite level. Schedule an appointment today. Find us at Third Level Facebook Page.

Reference: [https://fellow.app/blog/productivity/new-years-resolutions-for-teams-to-try/#new]