Helping Leaders at All Levels of Your Organization Reach Their Full Potential
The success (or failure) of a company starts with the effectiveness of its
executive leaders – and leadership throughout the organization.

The Challenge and Opportunity
Great companies know that success starts with effective leadership at the top and they develop leadership at all levels of their organization. This delivers consistent, reliable, and repeatable results.
Today’s leaders face a dizzying array of challenges. They must meet and overcome these challenges if the organization they lead is going to thrive. Challenges range from dealing with human resources, to meeting shareholder expectations—and from dealing with digital change to managing egos and teams.
Third Level’s leadership development and coaching programs make sure that executive leaders are maximizing their potential and performing at the very highest level.
The Solution
Third Level provides executive coaching and customized leadership development programs – for current and up-and-coming leaders. We create programs to ensure companies will have emotionally intelligent leaders who can effectively lead in today’s ever-changing corporate environment.
Applied Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a core part of the Third Level program. EQ is the capacity to perceive, express, understand, and manage emotions in a professional and effective manner in the workplace.
EQ can be learned and developed. We help leaders improve their Applied EQ so they become a more effective leader.
Research has proven that Applied Emotional Intelligence is the defining factor in workplace success and effectiveness, ranking even higher than IQ and personality.
- A study by UC Berkeley PhDs over 40 years found that EQ was four times more powerful than IQ in predicting who achieved success in their field.
- A study at PepsiCo found that company units headed by managers with well-developed EQ skills outperformed yearly revenue targets by 15-20% compared to managers with underdeveloped EQ skills.
- Another study found that 69% of managers whose workers reported high engagement could be considered emotionally intelligent.
At Third Level we go much further than simply saying, “We believe in EQ.”
We have studied EQ extensively and know how to help executives improve their Applied EQ. Our programs include workshops and in-person coaching/training, working with individuals and teams:
- Leadership assessment
- Agile Leadership
- Emotional Intelligence 360 and development
- Executive coaching
- Leadership training and workshops
- High-potential development program

Our programs provide a full assessment of a leader’s strengths – plus the areas where a leader can improve. The programs continue by providing actionable and realistic steps the leader can take to reach the elite level.
As a direct result, leaders become much more effective and lead companies to improved performance.
Third Level also provides coaching and programs to up-and-coming leaders within the organization. This ensures the company has a pipeline of elite-level leaders ready to maintain momentum.
Why Companies Hire Third Level
- Keeping top talent engaged and staying with the company because the company recognizes their contributions and the company is working successfully.
- A pipeline of future leaders ready to take the company to new heights.
- Successful leadership with a robust legacy thanks to strong team performances that drives revenue and profits.
- Team members at all levels find work/life balance.
- The end of the pain and poor performance that comes from dysfunctional teams and constant rampant constant rampant internal conflict.
- Aligning values and behaviors with transparency and honesty so your leaders can move from meeting to meeting, and team to team, with ease and trust – which leads to efficiency and effectiveness.
- Stronger, clearer communication that speeds up decision making.
- Accountability so each team member fully understands their role and responsibilities without an overbearing sense of pressure.

Expected Outcomes
After a Third Level leadership program, managers manage themselves more resiliently and effectively in today’s complex, dynamic environment. They have the insights and skills needed to lead their people and teams, influence their peer leaders in the organization, and manage upwardly more confidently.
Executive Coaching
Coaching is totally confidential and non-judgmental. The desired outcome is aligned with the individual’s line leader and/or the objectives of the team. A path of action and measurable goals are agreed, and serve as the accountability mechanism for the individual, the coach, and Third Level.
Numerous studies back up the benefits of executive coaching. These figures are from the International Coaching Federation.
- 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence.
- 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.
- 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more.
Coaching promotes:
- Creativity, breakthrough performance, and resilience.
- A competitive edge.
- Effective leadership in the environment of continuous change.
- Empowerment of individuals to take responsibility.
- Increased employee and staff engagement.
- Improved individual performance.
- Identification of organizational and individual strengths and development opportunities.
- Motivating individuals to excel and reach new heights of performance.
These are just a few of the many benefits of executive coaching.

Next Steps
When elite-level executive coaching is important to your organization, contact us for a
free initial consultation at 561-752-5505 or go to the contact form here.