

The foundation of great communication is certainly the same whether someone is speaking to an individual or to a group. The most important communication skill we can learn is effective listening – what we call Power Listening. Power Listening requires focus, concentration, effort and emotional...


Most people associate “effective communication” with making themselves understood accurately when speaking to others. Information out is certainly an integral part of communication, but information in is just as important. In the business world, listening – information in – is particularly...


Emotional triggers, what we at Third Level like to call your Hot ButtonsTM, are a part of everyone’s emotional fabric. They are a natural response to upsetting or painful experiences. Think of them as sensitive spots often causing limited and repeated thoughts caused by something that leaves an...

Gossip in the Workplace

March 22, 2017

Gossip needn’t be false to be evil—there’s a lot of truth that shouldn’t be passed around. Frank A. Clark Water cooler chats are part and parcel of the modern workplace. But when the talk turns from, “Can you believe what happened on ‘Scandal’ last night?” to “Can you...


A certain amount of conflict is a natural part of interpersonal relationships, and the workplace is no exception. There is no magic bullet to prevent conflict, but it can be minimized with proactive leadership and a healthy business culture. Unfortunately, because it is unavoidable, many people...

Prep for a Successful 2017

December 20, 2016

The Past is Prologue… Looking Back at 2016 to Prepare Your Team for Business Success in 2017   It’s a time to celebrate and acknowledge the people and accomplishments of the past. Expressing appreciation to friends, family and in all aspects of your business is like money in the bank…....


“Failure is not an option.” This iconic quote, attributed to Gene Krantz, flight director of Gemini, Apollo and space shuttle missions and made famous in the movie Apollo 13, resonates with many of us. Who wants to fail? If failure does occur, who is eager to trumpet the news, or dwell on the...


Toxic or Tonic – What do you bring? Toxic. It’s a really powerful word. Websters defines it as “Relating to or caused by poison; Very bad, unpleasant, or harmful…” Blue-green algae on the one hand is in the news as a very dangerous, man-made disaster for the environment and our...


What clients say about us

I’ve engaged Third Level with multiple teams over 12 years and we continue to generate exceptional business results. I see the program as my gift for all those who I’ve worked with and led. Without exception they feel much better about themselves and the world they live in – delivering more through improving satisfaction and engagement as leaders and teams.
I am a better leader, husband and father as a result of the work I do with Third Level.

Nick Williams Managing Director of Transport, Group TransformationLloyds Banking Group

You managed to take a healthy, vibrant, and talented team to a new level of commitment to their careers, their lives and each other. Each member of our top management team has thanked me for the experience and related that this has been one of the best professional experiences of their lives. The outcome was clearly of great benefit to my businesses over the years. We identify issues that probably wouldn’t have surfaced for two years, saving ourselves at least five times our investment with you. And we are solving problems and confronting issues much more quickly. Our foundation of trust has grown quickly. More recently, the Fascination profile has helped us understand and collaborate far more quickly together as new teams form, and decision-making progresses.

Gary Press President,ARS and Chairman, Lifestyle Media Group

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