

The age-old question: how to boost productivity. It’s likely your employees are drowning in distractions every day.  Leaders can have an active role in helping their team to focus more, encouraging employees to take up some daily habits. Check out more about how you can lead a more focused and...


Your business is only as good as the people who work for it. Making it a great place to work benefits both your employees and your company. Here you can learn how to create a fantastic company culture. It can take time, but if you stick to your plan and tweak it along the way,,...


Times continue to change on a staggering level as communities and countries work toward stabilizing their economies, businesses, and workplaces. A new normal is taking shape, and for many companies, that includes a blended workforce of on-site and remote employees. Leader- and mentorship styles and...


With the Covid-19 vaccination campaign well underway, increasingly more companies are having their teams return to the office. After over a year of unconventional work practices and strategic pivots in response to the global pandemic, it is an opportune time to ensure the beneficial shifts in...


We put a survey out to our readers recently, and the results were unanimous. The one thing bothering 100% of our readers about the pandemic is not back-to-work situations or reintegrating teams to the office or health and safety. It is stress. It is managing stress, and change, and the stress of...


2020 is soon in the rearview mirror. Thank God! You don’t need me to remind you… Most of us have had some areas of pain, disappointment, fear, and doubt. We can use this time to do all that we can, together, to appreciate each other and send our support to those not as fortunate. And,,...

I Need Your Help!

October 14, 2020

The four words that ensure your continued success, as we chart a course through these challenging times. Leadership by definition requires influencing and guiding other people. No leader can do so without the support of “their people.” At its core, leaders require the help, support, and...


What clients say about us

I’ve engaged Third Level with multiple teams over 12 years and we continue to generate exceptional business results. I see the program as my gift for all those who I’ve worked with and led. Without exception they feel much better about themselves and the world they live in – delivering more through improving satisfaction and engagement as leaders and teams.
I am a better leader, husband and father as a result of the work I do with Third Level.

Nick Williams Managing Director of Transport, Group TransformationLloyds Banking Group

You managed to take a healthy, vibrant, and talented team to a new level of commitment to their careers, their lives and each other. Each member of our top management team has thanked me for the experience and related that this has been one of the best professional experiences of their lives. The outcome was clearly of great benefit to my businesses over the years. We identify issues that probably wouldn’t have surfaced for two years, saving ourselves at least five times our investment with you. And we are solving problems and confronting issues much more quickly. Our foundation of trust has grown quickly. More recently, the Fascination profile has helped us understand and collaborate far more quickly together as new teams form, and decision-making progresses.

Gary Press President,ARS and Chairman, Lifestyle Media Group

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