


How to Fascinate Assessment

This unique assessment highlights an individual’s unique ‘personal brand’ and how they contribute to their team. Our “How to Fascinate” team chart reveals fascinating similarities and differences within the team while highlighting opportunities for growth. The How to Fascinate tool builds positive team dynamics quickly. Teams that work well together are teams that understand each other. These teams build mutual trust and understanding, cut through any conflict that may exist, and lay the foundation for healthy relationships.

Emotional Intelligence 360 Assessment

GENOS EQ 360 assessment takes the proven power and performance of Emotional Intelligence to help develop leaders.

Emotional Intelligence involves a set of skills that define how effectively you perceive, understand, reason with and manage your own and others’ feelings. These skills are important at work as emotions are an inherent part of workplace activities at all levels.

Through a comprehensive report it lists the leader’s personal strengths and their opportunities for development in Emotional Intelligence. It also provides them with development activities to consider, and guides them to implement an action plan to become a more emotionally intelligent leader.

Rapid Realignment Culture Survey

Alignment is that optimal state in which strategy, people, customers and key processes work in concert to drive growth and profit.

This alignment diagnostic will clearly show and measure the areas within the organization that are strong and those that need improvement. The robust metrics can be viewed and analyzed in many different forms including; department gap analysis, performance variation analysis, and culture analysis. The detailed drill downs will give you a very focused look at areas that are working optimally as well as those that need improvement enabling you to track the impact of actions you take over time.

The Energy Leadership Index (ELI)

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment that describes the energetic lenses through which you approach situations during typical and stressful moments. This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label a person and have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude, or perception and perspective of your world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. By working with a coach using the ELI, you can alter your attitude and perspective, make a shift in your awareness, increase your energy and leadership effectiveness, and reduce stress levels.

What clients say about us

I’ve engaged Third Level with multiple teams over 12 years and we continue to generate exceptional business results. I see the program as my gift for all those who I’ve worked with and led. Without exception they feel much better about themselves and the world they live in – delivering more through improving satisfaction and engagement as leaders and teams.
I am a better leader, husband and father as a result of the work I do with Third Level.

Nick Williams Managing Director of Transport, Group TransformationLloyds Banking Group

You managed to take a healthy, vibrant, and talented team to a new level of commitment to their careers, their lives and each other. Each member of our top management team has thanked me for the experience and related that this has been one of the best professional experiences of their lives. The outcome was clearly of great benefit to my businesses over the years. We identify issues that probably wouldn’t have surfaced for two years, saving ourselves at least five times our investment with you. And we are solving problems and confronting issues much more quickly. Our foundation of trust has grown quickly. More recently, the Fascination profile has helped us understand and collaborate far more quickly together as new teams form, and decision-making progresses.

Gary Press President,ARS and Chairman, Lifestyle Media Group

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